Day8 Course Reflection

What was your learning experiences.

My understanding on the flipped classroom.Flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor.As a student,I am very support this method,because technology is keep going on and it will make not only our life but also our learning more convenient and advanced.But if I am a teacher ,I may not use this method,because I want have a closely distance to my students so I am not interested in using computer to have a interact with my students.    Working experiences on creating a lesson plan with the flipped classroom teaching model.The challenging about creating this lesson plan is we found it difficult to decide a theme to aim on 4-5 years old kids,we have so many ideas and we can’t choose one.Every problems we decide must be meaningful so we must decide different ways to know different aspects of kids.  The most exicting thing is we can know their really thought by thmeselves,eventhough they may not have a good command of using language,but they can use the way of writing to answer these question,it avoid their shyness or embarrassed in a degree,I think this is the most exicting thing,It make us feel proud of ourselves.By these experience,I know that everyone has their own thoughts,and every kid just like an angel have their different colours,we should respect their thoughts and follow their hearts to do these things.

List three tools you like most and will surely use them in your teaching. Explain why you like them.

I like the classdojo,because use classdojo this soft,this is a software which can set up a real-time communication platform,to help parents understand students in school learning anytime and anywhere, activities, social, and growth and so on various aspects of performance, they don’t have to wait until every term parents know their children in school and the teacher communication. Not only that, ClassDojo can also guide parents to give their children the right guidance at home to reinforce what they learned at school. The teacher assigns a virtual character to the student, and then points and deducts points based on the day’s performance in a notebook, tablet, and smartphone. If a student is doing well one day, he or she will get a “smile”, which is to add one point, and if the student makes a mistake one day, he will get a “blow”, which is one point deduction. ClassDojo can track students’ performance for a few days to a semester, and teachers can provide the final results to parents.

In today learning,teacher use a voting on the polleverywhere :on a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to grade this presentation? And I think it is very good ,you can have the mask in a short time by this live result very convenient.

List three tools you may not use and explain why.

I may not use the padlet on the padlet we can decide which one we liked such as the profile or the qute picture ,we can introduce ourselves with many words and do some dirctions on it.The Padlet is an online collaboration tool that can quickly make a “story wall” of your own by simply dragging and dropping. This tool includes a rich template, supports multiple real-time collaboration, supports multiple forms of presentation, and is well suited as an interactive tool for teaching. Other people can know you better by the padlet and have a easy understanding on you .When making a padlet,we should firstly to set up an account and then we can do our padlet to closed the distance between us and foreigners .It can make us have less difference comparison to the foreigners.We can use padlets to get students to brainstorm around a problem, topic, project. Students can see other people’s ideas on the Padlet walls and add their own thoughts. After the brainstorming session, the teacher can have targeted to the wall for further analysis and explanation.At the end of the course, or at the end of the semester, teachers can build a “opinion wall” to allow students to give feedback on the wall. Such feedback can be a feeling, a harvest, or a question of learning content, advice on learning style, etc.But  maybe  I prefer the way to have a communication with kids so  I may seldom used it.

Learning video,not only did we increase one of our basic skills,We’re enhancing our ability,broaden our horizons,enrich our leisure life.In science and technology day In the context of the new moon, we should be able to achieve all-round development as contemporary college students.But for my position,I think it difficult to make a beautiful video,it makes me have a lot of stress so I may nout use it.

Discribe three things that helped you understand the course content and learn better during your group work.

When teachers arranged a work but maybe I can’t really understand and then I can enter the ed326 website and I can see what should we do and how to do in that website.And I think our group is very unitively,when I have some troubles I can ask them for help and they will told me the answers.When I have confused about the  course then I watched the video  and then I know the detailed of what teachers talking about.

Discribe three things that you felt should be avoided or improved for group work.

I think it is very awful when we advise the website at the same time,because when we update the article we have written,other guys update too and then our thing maybe both disappeared.So we will ask our group members if they have already done the advised working. And I think remember save the files anytime is also very important because everytime you shut down your computer,you will lose anything you have done and when you have a lot of procedures in the same time,your computer will probably have broken down and then you will lose everything.Last thing we should be avoided I think it’s before we do the work,we should discuss what is our own part in case of  repetition,otherwise,we will have time losing and waste our efforts and energy.

Illustrate your strong and weak points in this class. What is your future learning goal?

I think my strong point is that I have a strong ability in our group’s communication and we can have a nice contact with each other better,we can both understand know what should we do and have a good  Tacit understanding.On the other side,I think my weakness is I am so shy that I have not so much encourage to have a speech among all the people so instead of this,I do lot written work to save my group’s time and reduce their pressure.My future learning goal is that I want to be a teacher to teach children learn more knowledge and I won’t use dull way to teach to make them feel interested in my class.I not only want to be a teacher but also I want to have own shop to sell some qute decorations and in it will also have cup of coffee and you can have a shoppingtime  and you can have a rest in the sofa ,this is my learning goal,I will learn more knowledge to enrich myself and I believe I will complete my dream eventrally.


Day 7 Rubistar,Testmoz,the teaching format I chose

compare the pros and cons of using polleverywhere, wenjuanxing, and testmoz.

I think wenjuanxing are more comprehensive ,it has six aspects such as survey, test,enrol,vote,360 evaluate,the measurement,we can assign different formations to diffferent kids for different answers,and polleverywhere has a beautiful welcome page,we can choose different formation in the same way,and testmoz also is very convenient,all of them  can share the URL to friends or parents or strangers,these website are very convenient and I think wenjuanxing has a more convenient  operation ways.

explore more functions of wenjuanxing on each category listed on the website and explain what you did with that function.

The questionnaire can be generated by importing the questionnaire directly into the text box.Multi-channel distribution questionnaires were distributed through QQ WeChat, SMS and email.After completing the questionnaire, the lottery filler will automatically jump to the drawing prize page and customize the award information.

Features:Problem library.To build a question bank, the test is randomly selected from the question bank.Limit time.Set the maximum time of the test and simulate the real exam.The performance query interface.The fillers can query results by entering the “query condition” on the proprietary query page.Automatic marking system.Set the correct answers and scores on the test questions.System automatic scoring; Set up the answer resolution, the examinee can check the answer after the examination

discuss how to integrate these tools into classroom teaching

When teacher have taught us some courses,we should give a teacher a feedback,but in our daily life,a large part of us are too shy to ask teachers for questions and we think it is shame if we admit that we actually have problems.So I think if put the wenjuanxing in our daily life,we can make our students not shame anymore and we can choose the answers such as I have troubles in this problems or I am not sure this solution that teachers will see the consequences of us and she will know that we actually have problems.

discuss what ISTE standard these projects help you meet and why you think so.

Nowadays,techniques are very convenient,we have many formations to get the answers we want.As many new ways appeared,so we should choose the one which is suitable for us and so that we can get the best consequences.When we make a survey,we must make sure that we have the problems very carefully,we should have every corner has detailed and only in this way can we find the accurate answers in a short time with a lot of people and then we can have a statistics.

Here is My Rubric.

Here is Testmoz

Here isregistration



Day6 digital story-telling

What is digital story-telling, when/why/how will it be used in classroom teaching and learning?

It can help ordinary people to tell real-life stories.It is the practice of combining narrative with digital content, including images, sound, and video, to create a short movie, typically with a strong emotional component and it can be instructional, persuasive, historical, or reflective.It is normally 2-5 minutes long.It can be effectively applied to nearly any subject.

As the Dr. Barrett saying,Facilitate the convergence of four student-centered learning strategies: student engagement, reflection for deep learning, project-based learning, and the effective integration of technology into instruction.And it has many uses,such as introducing new materials,helping students learn to conduct research, synthesize large amounts of content, gain expertise in the use of digital communication and authoring tools,helping students organize their ideas as they learn to create stories for an audience, and presenting their ideas and knowledge in an individual and meaningful way.

What tool did you choose to edit your video? Is it easy to use the tool? What problems did you encounter during editing your movie and how did you solve the problem?

I choose the software I movie.It is in the apple’s software and it uses very convenient ,I found when I transcribe the video I have some extra words at last in this video and I haven’t got the beginning word so I use I movie to cut and add some videos and I found that it very convenient you just need click the “+” button and a button like a scissor youcan finish editing youe movie.

What suggestions do you give to those who want to use video in their classes?

You should find a software quickly in case you will lose a lot of time and you should find the free software and download it in the computer.Of course,the most important thing is that you must saved your creation anytime so that the accidence occured and it will lead you lose anything,if you create a video,you should find the materials before the class to save time.Using a video to exchange is a good way but you should make sure in has a nice match with you content and making video can accumulate more experience so just let it go.

Which ISTE standard do the audio and video projects meet? Why?

When we can’t find a software which can edit the video,we should not give up to do any other things, we should change our way we can ask teachers for help or we can ask our friend if they have any software to use without money and when we make the audio we probably can find that the noise are very loud and we can’t do it  very well so we can put up our headset on that it will quiet very soon.

story telling


Day5 Audio and Video

u=2768380259,1583562215&fm=27&gp=0.jpgI create a audio file to teach the fruit and colour in the lessson plan,I acted as a teacher and let children watch a video and say their reflections and I use my phone finish my audio .I meet the problem that every software has some difficult to download,it has the conflict with my computer.I tried such several software,finally,I choose the powtoon and I made a very beautiful video with sounds and a lot of beautiful pictures and I think this website is very good.I use my former voice to insert in it and make it match to the movie and finally it can be perfectly watched.

Everything seems easier to do than to do.The same goes for video,It contains many aspects of content, installation, recording, editing, transcoding, etc. Every aspect is involved a lot of operations,and that requires us to keep trying and groping,be familiar with and master in practice operations. As the saying goes, “practice makes real.”It can be improved by operation and in put the ability of video to make video can make a lot of color and capture eyeballs.

Learning video,not only did we increase one of our basic skills,We’re enhancing our ability,broaden our horizons,enrich our leisure life.In science and technology day In the context of the new moon, we should be able to achieve all-round development as contemporary college students.

We should be proactive and constantly improve your skills and prepare for the future

My audio

My video

Day 4 website

What is a web page? What are the differences between a web page and a document page?

A web page is a document that is suitable for the World Wide Web and web browsers. A web browser displays a web page on a monitor or mobile device. The web page is what displays, but the term also refers to a computer file, usually written in HTML or comparable markup language. Web browsers coordinate the various web resource elements for the written web page, such as style sheets, scripts, and images, to present the web page.Document page is everypage’s visual and it can’t be shared on the Internet.So I think web page is more convenient and useful than the document page.

What is a website? Why do you need to plan your site with a storyboard ahead of time.

A website, or simply site, is a collection of related web pages, including multimedia content, typically identified with a common domain name, and published on at least one web server. A website may be accessible via a public Internet Protocol (IP) network, such as the Internet, or a private local area network (LAN), by referencing a uniform resource locator (URL) that identifies the site.Because if we have a storyboard it will make our website looks more beautiful and make the visitors interested in our website.The story which touched visitors heart is the true story,so that is why we need to plan your site with a storyboard ahead of time.We must have a sufficient prepartion.

What problems/challenges did you have and how did you solve them?

Today we do a website everyteam ,I have created a survey and it aims to the children ,knowing their habits and why do they like painting or drawing.I think the challenge is I have no idea that they can really understand what I mean and it may be difficult to them to answer question by themselves and they may not be ability to express their own and real erpressions.

What ISTE standard did this project help you meet? Explain why?

The ISTE Standards, formerly known as the National Educational Technology Standards , are standards for the use of technology in teaching and learning (technology integration).They are published by the International Society for Technology in Education , a nonprofit membership association for educators focused on educational technology. I think whatever do the survey or the website we should not forget that we can’t give up easily we should try many kinds of ways to complete the task.ISTE standard helped us a lot.There is nothing difficult to the man who will try.So when we investigate children we must calm down and low our voice to know what they really mean and they really want.

For visitors to do to make the content of the site, updated daily new visitors interested in the original article, although only a few hundred a day a IP, but if your site content rich day hundreds of visitors flow rate will increase exponentially.

Jennie‘s website

Day3 ClassDojo and padlet

classdj.pngToday we have learned how to use classdojo this soft,this is a software which can set up a real-time communication platform,to help parents understand students in school learning anytime and anywhere, activities, social, and growth and so on various aspects of performance, they don’t have to wait until every term parents know their children in school and the teacher communication. Not only that, ClassDojo can also guide parents to give their children the right guidance at home to reinforce what they learned at school. The teacher assigns a virtual character to the student, and then points and deducts points based on the day’s performance in a notebook, tablet, and smartphone. If a student is doing well one day, he or she will get a “smile”, which is to add one point, and if the student makes a mistake one day, he will get a “blow”, which is one point deduction. ClassDojo can track students’ performance for a few days to a semester, and teachers can provide the final results to parents.

We can use ClassDojo send instant messages directly to parents and send their students’ learning and activity schedules to parents, usually once a day. If there is any important message that needs to be communicated to all parents in the class, we can also send a broadcast message to every parent in the class on ClassDojo. In addition, we can also use ClassDojo application photography students participate in classroom activities or finish the homework tasks such as photos and video and sent to the parents, after all photos video is better than thousands of words, parents are very like to see their children’s performance in the classroom.

The ISTE Standards, formerly known as the National Educational Technology Standards (NETS), are standards for the use of technology in teaching and learning (technology integration). They are published by the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), a nonprofit membership association for educators focused on educational technology.ClassDojo motivated students to keep moving on and trust themselves to do everything ,they will have a psychology of comparison and it give them energy this is also the standard of ISTE.捕获.PNG

Today we also had learned how to make the padlet on the padlet we can decide which one we liked such as the profile or the qute picture ,we can introduce ourselves with many words and do some dirctions on it.The Padlet is an online collaboration tool that can quickly make a “story wall” of your own by simply dragging and dropping. This tool includes a rich template, supports multiple real-time collaboration, supports multiple forms of presentation, and is well suited as an interactive tool for teaching. Other people can know you better by the padlet and have a easy understanding on you .When making a padlet,we should firstly to set up an account and then we can do our padlet to closed the distance between us and foreigners .It can make us have less difference comparison to the foreigners.

We can use padlets to get students to brainstorm around a problem, topic, project. Students can see other people’s ideas on the Padlet walls and add their own thoughts. After the brainstorming session, the teacher can have targeted to the wall for further analysis and explanation.

Students’ ideas often surprise teachers! Therefore, in the process of brainstorming, we should lead the students as much as possible to launch the whimsy, emphasizing that this is the “brainstorming moment”, not afraid to do it is afraid of not thinking. On the topic selection, we should try to choose the theme which is open and big, so that students can have space to play.We can build a “wall”, it can make the students who did not dare to ask questions by anonymous way, the question also can let people who don’t know how to ask questions or not think of their own problems in which the students, see the problem of other students, so as to promote everyone’s thinking. In the course, students can write their own questions on the “wall of questions” on their mobile phones or tablets. Before class or after class, students can also directly through to connect to the Internet at home in the “wall” posted his own question, the teacher can according to the questions of the students, targeted on knowledge in the classroom.

At the end of the course, or at the end of the semester, teachers can build a “opinion wall” to allow students to give feedback on the wall. Such feedback can be a feeling, a harvest, or a question of learning content, advice on learning style, etc.

Padlet is an online collaborative tool that can increase the interaction between teachers and students, and use it flexibly and properly to make the classroom much more attractive.

Made with Padlet

Day 2 Reflection

My understanding on the flipped classroom

Flipped classroom is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom. It moves activities, including those that may have traditionally been considered homework, into the classroom. In a flipped classroom, students watch online lectures, collaborate in online discussions, or carry out research at home and engage in concepts in the classroom with the guidance of a mentor.As a student,I am very support this method,because technology is keep going on and it will make not only our life but also our learning more convenient and advanced.But if I am a teacher ,I may not use this method,because I want have a closely distance to my students so I am not interested in using computer to have a interact with my students.

Working experiences on creating a lesson plan with the flipped classroom teaching model

The challenging about creating this lesson plan is we found it difficult to decide a theme to aim on 4-5 years old kids,we have so many ideas and we can’t choose one.Every problems we decide must be meaningful so we must decide different ways to know different aspects of kids.  The most exicting thing is we can know their really thought by thmeselves,eventhough they may not have a good command of using language,but they can use the way of writing to answer these question,it avoid their shyness or embarrassed in a degree,I think this is the most exicting thing,It make us feel proud of ourselves.By these experience,I know that everyone has their own thoughts,and every kid just like an angel have their different colours,we should respect their thoughts and follow their hearts to do these things

Lesson Plan

revised lesson plan

My experiences on working on the survey

It have some difficulties in making the answers of these questions,because everyone has their difference and different ideas we can’t list every possibilities,so we can only try our best to guess their  thoughts and in a large degree to speculate the answer which is the most closely to their thoughts.In a large degree to say it is very convenient to use,we can set one people can do how many times so that it won’t be click in and then click out to change the account settings,it saves a lot of time,we can set the forrmation of the question such as Q&A ,open minded answers,multiple choices and so on ,if we choose other softwares such as wps,word,we should set the format of these questions extraly,so I think it is very convenient and easy to control.I will share these URL to the Twitter and weibo or send it to my friends in Wechat or QQ let them send to their friends or send it they are familiar with and then we can know each other better by complete this survy,we don’t even walk out to other place and we can sit in our own chair to enjoy the achievement  received by our friends or other people.

Jennie’s survey for parents

Jennie’s survey for kids

Self introduction and Assessment

This is really a great honor to have this opportunity, and I believe I can make a good performance today. Now I will introduce myself briefly.My name is …I came from Laifeng in Hubei Enshi, which is a small beautiful developing town. Does anyone know there? My hobbies are walking, seeing scenery and cheating and playing games on internet.I like playing basketball , football, table tennies and badminton in my leisure time.If some of you have similar hobbies, i am so glad that you can play whth me.I hope that i can study my English well,and make more friends in the future and have a very unforgettable college life! Thank you!
And I think teacher has a good ability in communication with us,and I think she should increase more ways to have this lesson and have more break time.
(1) The whole class is clear, the links are compact, the heavy difficulties are prominent, and the design is reasonable. The students’ classroom habits are very good, and everyone can actively participate in the classroom, and the classroom effect is better.

(2) the interview when the teacher in teaching new knowledge, let students learn up effortlessly, play the initiative of students, teaching design is very good, can guide in place, at the same time also let students experience the students contact with life.

(3) students have a high level of motivation and participation in the class, especially the teacher can capture the psychological characteristics of children and create a certain situation.u=1344331314,3872741786&fm=27&gp=0.jpg

(4) the teacher has provided abundant content, which has given students a better chance of self-exploration in the whole teaching process, so that students can learn and improve in the activity.

(5) teachers can start from students’ characteristics, so that students can explore new knowledge and understand new knowledge in the process of playing activities. In general, the results are really good and worth learning.


Lesson Plan

Jennie’s reflection video